Norwalk Easter Public Library Re-Opening July 6, 2020

Welcome back to Norwalk Easter Public Library! We are very glad to have been able to serve our community during COVID-19 through curbside pickup service and virtually, but we have missed the full library experience and are looking forward to welcoming our patrons. There are still challenges in our community, so we will be asking for all visitors to do their part to keep patrons and staff healthy.

The library will reopen on Monday, July 6. The temporary, modified hours will be MondaysThursdays from 10:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00-4:00 p.m.; and closed on Sundays.

Your visit to the library will be a different experience, so here is what you can expect. Due
to the need for social distancing, we can allow a limited number of patrons in the library at
any time. Patrons are asked to spend no more than 60 minutes during their visit, so we can
serve as many visitors as possible.

If you or a member of your family are sick or may have been exposed to COVID-19 within
the last two weeks, we ask that you do not come into the library. We will be providing
expanded curbside pickup service whenever the library is open. Materials may be reserved for curbside pickup for next day pickup. Reserves may be placed using the online catalog, calling 515-981-0217, or emailing Park in a designated parking spot the next day, call the library, and staff will bring the books to your vehicle.
Please return all materials in the outside book drop while the library is closed. There will be
a drop off bin inside the library during hours of operation. Staff will place all materials from
these drops into quarantine for three days to help ensure safety; please allow 72 hours for
your materials to be checked off from your account due to this quarantine time.
Practice social distancing of at least six feet from others during your visit. No seating will be
available except at computer stations. Toys, AWE stations, drinking fountains, study rooms,
and the meeting room are not available at this time.

Only children age 11 and older may be unaccompanied by an adult in the library. For their
safety, children ages 10 and under must have a caregiver with them at all times.
A limited number of computers will be available for independent use. Use is limited to one
hour per day. Free wifi is available in the library and in the park 24/7, so bring your own
device to access.

Follow CDC and IDPH guidelines – wash hands frequently; cover coughs and sneezes; and
don’t touch your face. Face coverings for mouth and nose are strongly suggested for
visitors over the age of 2; the library has a limited supply for patron use. The library will
have sanitizer and sanitizing wipes available as well. All reasonable measures will be taken
to maintain a clean library for patron and staff safety.

Patrons are encouraged to browse the collections, have questions answered, make
photocopies, and use the public computers. Once you have completed your activities in
one hour or less, please leave to make room for others to visit. All of our story times, book
discussions, and other programs will be held online rather than in person, so be sure to
check those out.